Frequently Asked Questions
Who is CheetahNet

CheetahNet is an Internet Service Provider based in kiambu, Kenya. The company's main focus is internet service provision alongside offering customized networking and software solutions.

What internet packages does CheetahNet offer?

    CheetahNet packages
    CheetahNet offers three internet models for its users.
    These include:
  • Business Internet
  • The business internet is ideal for companies and institutions that are within the companies coverage.
  • Home Internet
  • The home internet is ideal for home users.
  • Cheetahnet Wi-fi Bundles
  • The Cheetahnet bundles are available through the company's hotspots installed at various points in our coverage. This package is ideal for users who need instant internet usage at any time.

How do i make payment for monthly packages

The monthly packages referred to here are the Home and business internet packages.

For the renewal to work the following conditions must be met :
  • Be connected to Our Network through your Wi-Fi (not data, Even if your account is already expired).
  • Have a standard browser application to use (Most prefably Google chrome or Mozilla Firefox on either your smart phone or computer).
  • Remember your username and password, the one provided to you during installation. 

The detailed process is as indicated below.
  1. Make payment to our mpesa buy goods and services Till number: 881226.
  2. Open your portal at: . Note that the portal wont open if you are not connected to the network.
  3. Login with your username and password. Once logged in you should be redirected to the make payment page, If not So click on the make payment link.
  4. Enter the mpesa confirmation code recieved when you made payment and submit.
  5. Once deposit is added head to activate package and follow through the process to the end.
If you made payment for more than one month repeat the process activate package process until all your account deposit is consumed.

How do i activate CheetahNet internet Bundles

To activate CheetahNet wifi you must be connected to our Wi-Fi hotspot installed at various spots in Kiambu.
The detailed process is described below:

  1. Once connected to our wifi hotspot, You should be requested to sign-in Via a notification. If the notification fails open your Browser and open .
  2. Create an account from the links in the page.
  3. Then make payment as indicate in the image below.

I Forgot my password

  • For Business and home internet contact as at 0737 798604 incase this happens.
  • For Hotspot user you can easily change your password here.